thomas weir
Thomas Weir is an artist working in printmaking, photography and sculpture. He received his BFA in Art and Design from the University of Alberta in 2020, and his MFA from the University of Guelph in 2023. His recent accomplishments include the Queens Golden Jubilee Scholarship for Visual Arts in 2019, alongside exhibitions at Lalani Jennings Contemporary Art and the Boarding House Gallery in Guelph, ON, and Galerie Nicolas Robert in Toronto, ON.
Time Machine and the Jacket Potato Man
Sir Winston Churchill Square
Thomas Weir, Time Machine and the Jacket Potato Man, 2023, Vinyl, Churchill Square, Edmonton AB.
I find the world mysterious. I use art making as a tool to explore the things that I find mysterious. Although I draw inspiration from a wide variety of subjects or “things” that I discover in the visual world around me, I am interested in producing work that can be examined free of any explanation. I see the art object as a source for exploring a realm beyond language, which inspires me to continue.
In this work I am showing, titled Tommaley, I am exploring an imagined still life, based loosely from historical paintings, early archaeological photography, and contemporary digital rendered images, as well as visuals that exist solely within my own mind. I see this work as being an image that considers both the tangible real world and the imagined, illusionary or hallucinatory realm, and an attempt at combing these various influences and ideas into one cohesive artwork. The work was produced through a combination of mediums including, sculpture, drawing, photography and printmaking.