Colleen Ulliac (Coucoune) - she/her

There Are No Words

City Hall
(North Churchill Square)

Instagram: @cou_coune


Artist Statement

In this world of vast uncertainty and chaos, a sense of powerlessness and despair can take over. How can a sense of power be regained when one is utterly immersed in this fast-moving, unpredictable reality? How can one even begin to process things that are too overwhelming to put into words?

These collages represent my attempt to regain a sense of order and control.  By the act of rearranging pre-existing elements, I can extract new meanings and narratives from the chaos. A still image offers a chance to pause and consider this existence and the power structures that are embedded within it. I can’t control the world around me, but I can control my response to it. 

about the artist

Colleen Ulliac or Coucoune (she/her) resides and work in Edmonton, Alberta, and has been drawing since the age of 3. She holds a Fine Arts Diploma and Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology from MacEwan University.  Colleen works with a variety of mediums but focuses mainly on collage, drawing, and painting. Her main interests are in exposing the creative process, using art as therapy, and exploring strategies for collaboration.