The Douglas Brothers

Friday June 28

5:00 PM - 5:45 PM
Second Set
7:30 PM - 8:15 PM

The band is made up of the two brothers, Larry and Wayne. They began playing together as a way of getting out of the dishes. Soon they were asked to play outside, which led them to play in barns and garages, and eventually basements of community halls.

At this time, their sound was best described as “pingo pongo or otherwise chunky”. As their popularity grew, they began making up songs so they would know all the chords. This led to the recording of their first album, an EP entitled “The Douglas Brothers Live At Home”. From here, their life followed that of many other rising musical stars: pursuing investment schemes, acting in late-night community access television programs and eventually part-time work in a surf shop. Being restless by nature, they eventually stumbled back into the performing world, and have since released three full-size recordings.

They are veterans of folk festivals and concert stages but are most at home in small intimate settings like coffeehouses and community halls where, as Wayne says, “we find that the snacks are often quite good.