Matt Patershuk

Friday June 28

8:45 PM - 10:30 PM

Matt’s Grandad used to say: “God loves a trier”. He didn’t mean it in the way televangelist preachers do; who often say in not so many words: “If you pray the right way (and tithe appropriately), God will open limitless financial, health and career benefits before you.” He meant that there is worth, and value in the trying. The act of making an effort is redemptive, despite the outcome. 

Matt is a singer and songwriter first. He values simplicity, but also loves to incorporate the small details that bring a story to life and make it relatable. Though his songs aren’t devoid of metaphor, you’ll not be left guessing about what the song is about when you’re done listening. 

Matt lives near the hamlet of La Glace, Alberta, Canada with his wife, 2 daughters, several dogs, cats horses and sheep. While not blessed with an abundance of natural ability in his endeavours, he’s always willing to give things a good try, and never lets a lack of experience or formal training get in his way. He applies the same ethic to his self-taught song writing and music as he does to fixing a furnace, installing a stock waterer, building a jewelry box, or taking a picture. He loves words as much as he does music.