harcourt house artist run centre

The Main and Art Incubator Galleries, 3rd floor, 10215 – 112 Street, Edmonton, AB T5K 1M7

Think Blue: 36th Annual Members’ Exhibition and Art Sale

June 21 – July 6, 2024: 10 AM - 5 PM


Nozomi Kamei, "Standing Up", 2023, photograph, 22.5 x 18.5 inch. Courtesy of the artist

“Think Blue” has been organized in memory of Yves Klein (1928-1962), one of the most renowned international abstract and performance artists and the inventor of International Klein Blue.

Colour symbolism in art, literature, and anthropology refers to the use of colour as a symbol in various cultures and in storytelling. That is never true than with the colour blue. Blue is everywhere in the modern world: its presence ranges from fashion to most of companies’ logos. The intangibility of blue is a key to many of its symbolic meanings. Artists have used the colour blue to represent everyone from deities to peasants and everything from skies to sickness. This ethereal colour has been used to signify everything from purity to liberty. While blue conjures images of sky and sea – evoking distance, longing , and infinity –  it is also the colour of bravery and dedication (think about our quest to secure ownership of Harcourt House in that context). Blue represents introspective journeys and symbolizes wisdom and depth of understanding. But blue is also a symbol of depression and the depths of the human psyche. Blue stands for serenity rather than passion, and it is the colour of all that is constant and unchanging.

The exhibition presents multi-dimensional voices of over 60 participating artists with more than 90 impressive works of art and embraces visual interpretations of and conceptual discussions on the symbolism of the colour blue through the artists’ chosen medium. This exhibition doubles as a fundraiser for Harcourt House with 30% of each artwork sold in support of the Harcourt House Endurable Fund (Acquisition of Harcourt House Property), and 70% will be designated to the artists. The exhibition will run through Saturday, July 6, 2024.

The exhibition “Think Blue” offers a great opportunity for seasoned and novice art collectors.  These exemplary works – in a variety of styles and media – are a “must have” additions to your growing art collection. For novice art collectors, this is an opportunity to start building your own collection of impressive works by Alberta-based artists.