The Cherry on Top

By: Simon Yee, Production Assistant.

If you were to ask me four years ago, when I was just graduating high school, what I wanted to do in life, I would have no clue. It’s amazing to look back and see the process of struggling to find myself to now, graduating from post-secondary. In those four years, I found a passion that I care about, a dream to work towards, an organization that I can dedicate myself to, and the will to constantly improve myself.

What started off as me wanting to design collateral for the festival (digital) turned into a full project to design the table toppers for The Works’ 2019 Media Launch (physical). For someone only has experience in graphic design, this project proved to be a major challenge. The hardest part was trying to come up with an idea that satisfied both the theme for the festival and my standards. With the help of Rochelle (Production Supervisor) and Susan (Curatorial Supervisor), I was able to narrow down the design plan for the bases for altered eye-glasses. The next challenge was assembling the bases. Not only did using wood glue to attach the dowels take a long time, but they also came apart with little force. So I switched to finishing nails. The final challenge was designing and decorating the sunglasses. I came up with the idea for 7 of them, but it is thanks to Callum and Taiessa that all 18 were created.

This project was an amazing learning opportunity for me. Not only did I get the chance to fully realize an idea I had, but the objects I designed will also be used for Media Launch. I am excited to see them in action and how people perceive them, but this is only the first step for my journey into the working world. I am going to continue challenging and improving my designs even more.


About the author: Simon Yee is a graduate from the Digital Media & IT program at Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, specializing primarily in graphic design with web design as a secondary skillset. His graphic design skill consists of Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, brand identity, type design, and illustration while web design skills consists of HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, UI and UX design. His design illustrations are inspired by elements from animations, movies, live-action shows, and forms of interactive entertainment. He placed 1st in the 2018 SkillsAlberta Provincial Competition for graphic design, and he placed 4th in the 2018 SkillsCanada National Competition. For more of his work, check his website at: